Laura-- this is for you!
Ok, so it doesn't look as appetizing up close. But that, my friends, is homemade peanut butter. Much like homemade bread, I'm blown away by how easy this is to make.
So easy, in fact, that after walking the dogs I had 15 minutes before Jim got home for lunch, so I threw Jim's lunch in the oven. Since Jim and I eat together but separately (my lunch is my "healthiest" meal of the day and Jim just eats what's fast), I wondered what I would eat since I wasn't going to eat his selection. I just ran out of my last tub of honey roasted peanut butter from WholeFoods and have been missing it the past few days. I have had a sack of peanuts for a while now just sitting, waiting for the time when I was brave enough to try.
Well, I had 15 minutes and needed something to eat, so why not now. I didn't even look up a recipe, no time for that today. I put a cup of peanuts in the blender and let it go. When it was blended into dry crumbs I decided to add just a bit of water (I would guess, though I haven't the slightest less than a 6th of a cup). Blended until it looked like fresh ground peanut butter.
It tastes almost as good as my WholeFoods tub. Next time, I might add a bit of peanut oil instead of water. Or, healthier even, just buy honeyroasted peanuts because they are awesome.
Then, because I'm curious like this, I just put a little bit on a spoon and dove in to the homemade jam I got from a lady that goes to our church and had a mini peanut butter and jelly sandwich without the bread. It was fantastic!
And, the best part?
Jim isn't even home for lunch yet. That's right, I managed to make something I've never made before, make up a new snack combo, turn on my computer and tell you all about it.
It makes me wonder where my fear of homemade cooking and baking came from. I remember when homemade bread seemed impossible. As long as you'll be home to punch the dough down it really doesn't take a lot of effort. Homemade pancakes without bisquick used to seem like something only my really good cook and baker friends did, not me. Homemade dinners in general horrified me when we were first married, and now my favorite time of day is making dinner (this is a somewhat recent development).
I don't know where the fear stems from but I know I'm not the only one. Friends like Adrienne have discovered homemade baking and cooking aren't that hard a long time ago. Maybe someday I will be a diva like her and be able to sew my own stuff, too. That one seems pretty doubtful, though.
Now, this isn't to say I'm a gourmet chef or anything, but hey, at least I can make homemade peanut butter and Jim doesn't complain about any of my homemade meals!
Have a great until I post next (which will be later today!)
Thanks, Kristin! I will totally try this! I bought a bunch of natural peanut butter on clearance this fall and am running out. I hadn't thought about using water. I was planning on peanut oil. Good to know. Did you salt it?
ReplyDeleteI love my bread machine, too! (Not gonna lie, I haven't really made bread since 4-H in high school.) I have a good recipe for peanut butter bread. Combines two great things in one!
I didn't salt it.
ReplyDeleteI don't have a bread machine, I use my oven... but I remember Joan always having the BEST bread out of her machine.
And peanut butter bread sounds awesome.
If I could, I pack you up and move you into my house. You come up with the best things to eat!