But don't be dismayed, I got a picture (the blessing of strangers posting pictures of me on facebook!). So while I did not take this picture, I'm in it.
The girls in the following picture are the wives of the ushers. The pretty girl to my right is the only other person that didn't meet at SDSMT. The two on the far end are the ones that tried to include me in conversation... if I had been anything but my uncomfortable self they might have enjoyed my company. Unfortunately, when I get shy for some unknown reason I tend to come off a bit cold. Sorry, Dyan and Deanna, you are sweet ladies and I think we would really get along if I wasn't such a social idiot.
Anyway, the drive to Fremont was fine and uneventful. I sent a message to Shannon when I got there (Shannon-- I thought it was really sweet you asked me to send you a message when I got there!) and went straight to bed.
Woke up and went to Valley... about 15 minutes away. I met Danielle and we ran a six-miler, showered at the YMCA and then had an awesome breakfast at Delcious! Bakery (the "!" is part of the title). It was awesome. Peaches N Cream pancakes worth more calories than I normally eat in an entire day... totally worth it. Then, Danielle, I think noticing my distress about this wedding, took me shopping in Omaha. I was a bad influence on her buying some things at Old Navy. It was so much fun and SO neccessary to have this time with my friend. Because...
when I got to the wedding an hour early and Jim was busy I stood beside a bunch of guys who have known me for a few years but for some reason decided not to talk to me. A couple have always been kind of jerks to me anyway so I didn't really care, but others just avoided me anyway. Why, I don't know. I actually tried to be social with them, but failed miserably.
The wedding, while beautiful, was Catholic, and as someone who have never been to a Catholic anything, I was confused by the chanting and up and down and pauses.
There was a party bus I was supposed to be a part of but there weren't really enough seats, so I took our car to the reception and ended up in the parking lot of another wedding. It took seeing a completely different bride getting out of a limo to realize I was at the wrong location. Luckily I still beat the party bus to the reception.
I was sitting by the women, trying to get to know Kim (pink dress) and talking to Dyan and Deanna. Deanna and I might be really good friends if we spent time together. She is health conscious and very kind... someone I naturally gravitate to. But the way my brain shut off I'm sure she would avoid me next time.
The drive home was nice, following my husband in his car the whole way to make sure he was awake. To keep myself awake, I broke into the snacks I received at the hotel as a wedding guest... cheese and peanut butter crackers, oreos and everything else I would never eat except I was dangerously close to taking a nap while driving.
Tonight we got a lot of house done and Jim pulled weeds. I hate yard work. With a passion. I hate yard work so much... I think I would rather pull teeth than pull weeds. I. Hate. It. So. Much.
Anyway, here is the picture from the wedding. These ladies are all so pretty I felt so strange being a part of this picture!
That dress is amazing on you! You look very nice. And tan. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks, Laura! I love that dress!