Day 27: Building
So this is my house. Years ago. Before the new siding, the new trim, the new gutters, the new flowers, the trees being gone.... I'm posting this now because an updated picture is coming soon!
Day 28: Treasured Item
Grandma's Piano
Day 29: Sunglasses
These are clip on sunglasses I got last year during a trip to the Bonneville Salt Flats for the California time trials for my dad's birthday. We all got some and Dad lost his! Poor guy. Then I got new glasses so these no longer fit... except! I just realized, I kept those frames to work out in (because glasses get nasty running 5 + miles a day in them!) so I now know I have sunglasses for RUNNING. Which is waaay awesome.
Day 30: A Smile
This is a no make-up, no hair doing, no nothing day. Which my students (coming in a half hour) will have to deal with. Poor kids. It's a smile anyway.
Now to some things that have actually been happening in my life. Recently, I made my first homemade California Rolls-- they were vegetarian, main ingredients being cucumber, avacado and carrots. I will branch out now that I have found how easy they seem to be and now that our local Safeway carries Nori (Seaweed). Jim loved them! I cooked the rice, and then blended some rice vinegar in with the rice when it was finished to make it stickier. I wet the Nori (I don't know if I was supposed to or not, I completely just made up everything I did on the spot!), made a layer of sticky rice and then laid down a strip of carrot, strip of cucumber and strip of avacado, rolled it up and after refrigerating for a while, sliced them up into coins.
Things have been very busy lately here, as we are STILL finishing our yard (I promise pictures soon. I'm actually wanting to do a before and after picture thing of the whole house as we've basically changed something about almost every room and I LOVE our house). This week will be even busier but I'm so excited to get back to every day life on this blog and share it with anyone reading.
You can look forward to a recap of a day at the vet for the Chihuahua's, finishing the yard project, some new clothing I've recently bought, a new haircut in the near future (A real new haircut that looks different, not a trim like in the past), and the best thing ever-- Summer Rendezvous! Hope I've got your interest!
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