Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A Walk With My Husband

My nickname here in town is the Crazy-Walking-Lady.  I get that nickname from exactly what you would expect.  I walk everywhere and all the time.  I walk to work in high heat, high wind, high snow.  I just like to walk.
So today, when new shoes came in the mail for both Jim and I (yay for zappos!), cross-trainers for him and new-- you guessed it-- walking shoes, we decided to go test them out.  With my new blog in mind I brought the camera along to capture the occassion.
My husband and I walk together often in the summer.  When we are both off of work, the sun is still up, the dogs get a chance to stretch their legs and we walk hand in hand.   In the winter, it's cold and dark and walks are a little less frequent. 
So today was a nice change for the winter.  It was nice enough out for light jackets and a stroll hand in hand through Ogallala.

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