Wednesday, September 19, 2012

New Clothes

So, in a previous post (my first yesterday) I mentioned that one thing
I would share is a new outfit.  Well, I happened to be wearing it
today in celebration of it being Wednesday.  I had planned on letting
it sit in my closet until I get my new haircut next week and reveal a
"whole new me" but, well, I'm impatient.  And one new outfit does not
a new wardrobe make.
These clothes actually were inspired by another blog about fashion.
The kind of blog that is professionally done and makes money and
such-- not this glorified public diary kind like mine.  She shows her
outfit every day and talks about it.  Well, most often, she's a little
crazy and I don't care much for some of the things she wears.  Like
things in mustard color.  I don't like it in my food, I'm not going to
like it as a color choice, either.

So, that's some new stuff that's come in the door of my house as of
late.  I also got a headlamp for running at night (yup, I am that kind
of dorky).  I feel like a gold miner, and have plans of pretending to
be evacuating a mine in order to up my pace a bit.  I don't do so well
with mind games, though, so that probably won't work.  But, at least I
won't sprain my ankle on some dark patch of road somewhere.

In other news, Rendezvous starts tomorrow with a Chilli cook-off that
Jim and I usually attend.  I am very much looking forward to this
weekend.  And, with any luck, we will have finished the flower gardens
as of tonight.

I'm sure this post was very exciting for everyone... the clothes and
talking about flower beds again.  Sorry.  I'm excited about my life
right not but I'm sure it isn't really all that thrilling to the
outside world.  One of those "you had to be there" kind of things,

1 comment:

  1. CUTE! And I LOVE your new hair-do!!! Can't wait to see you in a few weeks!
