Not a lot of people know this, because I normally avoid sharing information that could cause major embarrassment, but a couple of years ago Jim bought me a guitar for Christmas. As a woodwinds instructor, I hate to admit that it's an instrument that I don't practice regularly, nor do I follow a practice plan like the one I set out for every single student that comes in the door. Of course, if my students knew how little I practiced at their ages...
My guitar, while a professional model and possibly the best sounding 6 string I've ever heard (remember, I work in a music store, so that's saying something), is somewhat wasted on a slacker like me. However, I can say that I have successfully committed Black Bird to memory, I can play Hey Jude with some sheet music help, and I can play the first few measures of Classical Gas. I can also sight read very beginner guitar licks well, as I try to be a little bit ahead of my student, anyway.
So, while I am the proud owner of a beautiful guitar, and I can sound impressive for a total of maybe 5 minutes, 10 if I have sheet music, I have a long way to go. But I figure, this instrument deserves a good player. So I'm off to practice.
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