Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Photo Challenge Day 2: Outdoors

This picture wasn't all that recent.  But that is my husband "playing in the sand"  at our local beach a while back.  I think that was the most fun he has had in his car.  Ever.  And it worked out well that I could use the excuse "I want a picture!" to avoid the more uncomfortable but also more accurate "I'll throw up in your car!".
I grew up in the Black Hills.  Trees, waterfalls, creeks and tall hills characterize the ultimate outdoors for me.  I don't think I miss the trees and hiking trails and lack of rattle snakes until I am back in the Hills and smell the pine.  But, I don't miss them enough to move back.  The people I've met here and the life I've been blessed with make this place our home.
And part of our home, something completely different than what I grew up with, is a large lake with sand beaches.  This is what a day outside is to us.  Sometimes, we bring the dogs up and David leaps through the water (he hasn't figured out "swimming" yet) and the little dogs run as fast as their little legs can go.  Sometimes we go up and watch the sunset with ice cream.  Sometimes, my husband just drives around like a crazy person.
I'm not as much of a lake person as others.  Luis has a boat and we've been out once with him and they seem to love the lake.  Others go to read, go to swim or get on jet skis.
My time outdoors currently is a little uninteresting.  Running around town in the mornings, biking to work and back, walking to downtown and back, sometimes biking the bike path to church events.  Since Jim is the proud new owner of a road bike, we might be making a trek to Lewellen on our bikes to go to the Most Unlikely Place (restaurant with that name).  I don't know if I will survive it, but Jim sure is excited. 

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