Monday, March 12, 2012

The Return

For two weeks, I have been living on my own.  My husband has been speaking with customers in China and meeting with his parent company in Japan.  I have spent the time deep cleaning my house, attending concerts, finishing major projects and trying to create a less stressful environment at home.  I tried my best to get rid of unneeded things and go to a more “minimalist” lifestyle.  I don’t think I succeeded as much as I had hoped but every drawer is organized and most things have a place. In the past I have had a tendancy to get rid of too many things only to find later that I could have used an item I junked.  I am trying to be more reasonable than the “everything’s gotta go!” mentality I had as little as a few months ago.

The nice part of being on my own for two weeks, other than having time to do all of that organizing, was witnessing some very giving and caring people blessing me because I was lonely.  At every concert I attended I had someone to sit with (mainly Shannon), Rachel, the Josjors and Helzers and Karla included me in dinner plans.  Danielle kept me active with the longest run ever (until next week, that is), Karen included me on some special music and practiced with me, Bible study ladies kept me in their prayers while Jim was away.  I had at first hoped for two weeks of isolation but instead was given much more love from the people around me than I could ever deserve.  I’m very blessed here in Ogallala, even when my husband isn’t here. 

I am also very blessed when my husband IS here.  Not only is he an amazing husband, he is also a kick-butt gift giver.  I scored on his trip!  A beautiful Chinese dress (to be pictured at a later date, when I have an occasion to wear it) was the first to be presented.  Then I got to open an adorable cell phone charm that means “too cute”.  This was followed by the big gift of the trip—silver earrings from Akita, Japan.  He also came home with gifts from the plants and customers he visited.  Wall hangings, a miniature kite, golf balls and a clay tea cup in a box.   So much for going “minimalist”, right?  But I am so glad to have him home and to enjoy our time together for the next couple of weeks before I leave for my “getaway”. 

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