Saturday, April 28, 2012

Choir Concert

Second Post today, in case you were wondering.  I am trying to catch up after a busy and exciting week.

Nate Helzer, the choir director, my running partner's husband and my friend, had his last concert at OHS last night.  There were a lot of tears for the seniors, for his farewell and I think sympathy tears, too.  I have a hard time holding it in when I see other people cry... or hear Karla sobbing behind me.
 The background was AWESOME.

Nate has a way of not only teaching technical vocal music, but getting the kids to tap into their emotions while performing.  It takes a special person to do that, and to be so beloved by so many students.  Students who aren't even in his choirs yet mourn his loss (my students included).  Not only do they get to experience music as it's intended, but they are also challenged to live well. 

As an occasional flute accompanist and pit orchestra member I witnessed Nate encourage kids to do the right thing.  He asked them to treat others well, to work hard, to help even when you aren't asked and to do the best they can.  He also always remembered that us pit members were there and made sure we felt comfortable and appreciated.  My job as a community member volunteering was to play well enough that I wasn't noticed, that the kids could shine through and be enhanced by the background.  And though I think the pit (which was always an amazing group of musicians) did that very well, I always felt so appreciated and I know that Nate was a big part of that.

Nate and Danielle, I know I've said it a few times but I'll say it again.  I'll miss you.  I'm bummed that it wasn't until the last couple of months that we started to get to know each other.  I'm excited to find out what God has in store for you.  I pray for you everyday and that won't stop when you leave. 

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