Saturday, April 28, 2012

Band Concert

When publishing multiple posts today I got them a little mixed up.  Sorry.  This is the earliest event of the week.  There are three posts today. 
Thursday night was the much anticipated band concert.  I spent the day
generally ignoring that soon the town of Ogallala would hear what I
had written and give silent judgments on it.  My parents and I drove
around looking at houses, getting lost a few times along the way.  We
also drove by and looked longingly through the windows of the Subaru
at the Lilac garden.  It was raining and with dirt walkways turning
into mud streams, we thought it best to glance from a distance.
At the house, my parents are a big hit with the two little dogs.
Before they were “our dogs”, they stayed with my parents.  They were
treated very well in that household, sleeping on beds (under blankets)
until noon, getting extra stomach rubs at any given moment and treats
often.  They remember.

I got all dressed up and left early with my cookies (last year I
started a habit of making cookies for the band on their last concert).
 Found a seat and looked around awkwardly at the programs with my face
on the front all over the audience.  Not only that, it was my face
upside down (the interior was printed opposite the exterior).  Bob
made the comment that he could see up my nose.
The picture was taken by Impact Images and looked really nice.

The band went through the concert without a hitch, as usual.  I was
asked to present a little on the piece, which I did with a lot of “uh”
and “um” and awkward laughing… I used to think I was good at public
speaking.  It was the first time the band had played with the
percussion.  I won’t deny that that created a bit of a problem in a
few places, but nothing that those who hadn’t heard it before would
notice.  The final movement, which during a rehearsal earlier in the
week sounded like it would be the most difficult, ended up being the
most solid of the three.

I appreciated very much that the band was willing to play my piece.  I
also think it was awfully polite of many of the students to tell me
how much they enjoyed playing it.  I even received a couple of hugs.
I also very much appreciated Mr. Schlake adding on a somewhat un-tested
piece to a solid concert.
To tell you the truth, having things I’ve written performed is
probably the most horrifying thing I put myself through voluntarily.
So it was very nice to have a few audience members congratulate me and
see my name pop up on facebook a few times.  It was also really,
really, sweet to receive FLOWERS at work Friday morning from my bosses.

I know the line they would use if I were to give them a thank you
card, so I’ll just say it here.  Thank you.  They smell wonderful,
look beautiful, and the message attached to them means a lot to me.    I wasn’t kidding when I said I almost cried. As a matter of fact, I did a little later. 

So to everyone involved, thanks for a great night last night!


  1. It was SOOO great to hear your piece played Kristin! I can't even comprehend the amount of time and work it took to write the piece, and it was WONDERFUL! I'm very proud of you and your accomplishment through this piece!

  2. You look beautiful in that photo!

    So sad that I missed your debut :( But thanks for posting about it here!
