Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Tofte is Amazing

I love it here.

I have had some pretty amazing vacations in my life.  I've toured 7 European countries in a double-decker bus.  I've poked a jelly fish in Florida, negotiated prices in Nogales (Mexico), ridden with the top down in Kauai, watched cars fly by on the Salt Flats, collected sea shells on the California coast and watched a sunset at the Cliffs of Moher.

But this is going to be hard to beat. 

With a population so small it wasn't mentioned on the sign, Tofte is quiet but simply amazing.  Our suite, with a two person shower (dueling shower heads), jacuzzi tub in the living room, full kitchenette, views of the lake and apartment feel would have sufficed to make this vacation worth the drive.  The rocky shoreline that smells clean, not fishy like our own lake or salty like the ocean, was an added bonus.  The champaigne they delivered to our room soon after our arrival was definitely a plus.  The paved bike path along the water is a perk.  The store down the street that sells all of my favorite brands at competitive prices wasn't bad either (except for our bank account....).
And, we've only been here a couple of hours.  Tomorrow we are planning on attending a guided hike through waterfall filled areas, a long bike ride with a picnic lunch (which we will pick up at the coffee shop we had lunch at today, which was also amazing) a complimentary breakfast and fancy dinner here in town (where I will reveal the Chinese dress I got a few months ago!).  The next day, a couples massage and swimming at the spa on our resort property with another complimentary breakfast.  Have I mentioned I think this place is awesome?


  1. Sounds AWESOME! Enjoy every minute...and post a photo of the Chinese dress; I want to see it!

  2. We went to Bayfield, WI for our 5th wedding anniversary. It's on the same lake, but south of you. We LOVED it. Hope you have a fantastic time.
