Sunday, January 1, 2012

This is NOT A Resolution

I repeat, this is NOT a resolution.  It might be starting on the first of the year and it might sound exactly like something that someone would say if they were starting a resolution, but it isn't.  It's a challenge.  Just to make that clear.

January is going to be our “No Spend Month”.  After a few months of vacations, Christmas presents, new restaurants opening and unexpected expenses, we feel it’s time to re-establish our financial goals and make them a reality.  It’s an experiment that I’d like to share.  And since everyone is different in their financial responsibilities, I have set my own rules for the month. 
What we CAN spend money on
-          Bills.  That’s a no-brainer.  We won’t have any debt or electricity being shut off.
-          Two grocery store visits for predetermined groceries.  No deviations.
-          Emergencies.  I’ve never read a blog, article, or anything on the subject of a no spend month where an emergency didn’t come up.
-          Our anniversary date (we planned on seeing the second Sherlock Holmes but it wasn’t available at our theater) I have cash set aside for.
-          Tithes.
What we CAN’T spend money on
-          Eating out, our most common monetary slip.
-          Extra grocery stops for “one thing” that end in multiple things.  2 trips.  That’s it.
-          Extra items.  We are set on clothes and luxury items.
-          Entertainment.  We have Netflix and movies of our own. 

It will be interesting to see what this will teach us.  I am looking forward to a little extra money in the bank and knowing we can go without spending when we have to.  Anyone else ever tried this and have any tips or tricks?
Picture is of the change that was in my purse a few minutes ago.  And, by the way, this is picture 10.  356 left to go. 

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